Posts Tagged ‘12 days’
12 Days of Digital Marketing Day 9
Who’s ready for more Christmas? Yeah. Neither are we. We’ve only just gotten around to accepting the inevitable approach of Valentine’s Day. But those 12 Days of Christmas blogs are waiting to be finished up. Luckily, they were only tangentially connected to the song in the first place. Our original idea, to profile 12 ways…
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12 Days of Digital Marketing: Day 8, Pinterest Well, we’re way beyond the 12 Days of Christmas, and I don’t know about you, but I’m fine with that. I haven’t given up on my basic blog concept here, though, so stick with me. I am outlining 12 different digital marketing options that are not Facebook.…
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Technically, we have entered the actual 12 Days of Christmas and I have until January 6th to pop out the next six 12 Days blogs. But let’s be honest, once Christmas Day has passed, all the pomp and circumstance of the season is pretty much over. So maybe the metaphor is tired now. Too bad.…
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12 Days of Digital Marketing Day 6: YouTube Tired of Facebook? We hear you. But don’t despair, there are many other social marketing platforms you may not have considered. Wondering which are right for you? We’ll describe at least as many options as there are Days of Christmas. Welcome to Day 6, and check out…
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12 Days of Digital Marketing: Day 5 Five Golden Rings: or LinkedIn Company Pages Welcome back to the 12 Days of Digital Marketing, in which we rather quirkily pair up 12 alternatives to Facebook marketing with the 12 Days of Christmas. Today’s installment examines the 5 Golden Rings of digital marketing, LinkedIn. When comedian Eddie…
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12 Days of Digital Marketing: Day 4 Four Calling Birds, or Four Thousand Twitter Followers Despite its simplicity, Twitter is one of the least understood platforms for small business digital marketing. 9 times out of 10, when a client tells me they have a Twitter account, it’s completely dead. At some point, they set up…
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12 Days of Digital Marketing: Day Three Consider the French Hen of legend, purported to be the lovely Faverolles. It’s showy. Such plumage! It’s often raised as a pet. That said, it’s also apparently an excellent “table bird” and prolific “layer.” Yum. Now let’s imagine, for a moment, that inspired by the lyrics of our…
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The Twelve Days of Digital Marketing: Day Two Over the next few weeks, we’re looking at 12 digital marketing tools other than Facebook. We’ve got this 12 Days of Christmas theme going, because it seemed like an amusing way to tackle what is frankly, kind of a dry subject. I mean, how do you make…
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The Twelve Days of Digital Marketing: Day One. More frustration has erupted in the wake of Facebook’s latest reveal that it will cut business Pages’ organic reach even further in the interest of encouraging brands to pay for News Feed space. I continue to be perplexed that any business thinks advertising should be free, and…
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